adaptive learning, professional training, lifelong learning, healthcare institution manager.Abstract
The aim of the study – to consider adaptive learning of healthcare institutions managers and defining its role in the formation of competency-based approach to training public health personnel.
The main body. Basic scientific document, describing the concept of adaptive learning are reviewed. The main factor in the impact of education, human expertise, dynamic attitude and personality development in accordance with its needs and demands of society is our ability to adapt to changes in education during the learning and skills. After all, the basic processes in the adaptive learning are self-examination, self-assessment, self-improvement, self-realization, self-adaptability.
In healthcare institution manager’s training through implementation of appropriate adaptive learning professional is professional-pedagogical interaction between experts and scientific teaching staff, allowing for healthcare institution manager multifaceted professional knowledge, skills and qualification complex, the ability to apply them in various work situations.
Conclusion. The use of adaptive learning managers of public health aimed at solving important educational problems using professionally-oriented individual approach to learning, contribute to the development of personal qualities necessary for productive work regarding the implementation of reforms, addressing pressing industry problems, predicting outcomes, and interact with medical staff and patients.
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