scientist, international ranking journals, publicationsAbstract
The aim of the study – to analyze scientific publication activity in international ranking journals and determine its advantages and disadvantages.
The main body. In the modern scientific community no one dared to refute the claim that a real scientist can be considered as one whose work has been appreciated and recognized by the international scientific community. Summarizing it can be said that the publication in international ranking journal is a relevant, fundamental, methodologically and statistically correct investigation presented by correct English language. Establishment of new requirements for getting PhD or Doctor of science degree, as well as academic ranks intensified work on scientific publications in ranking journals. However, the declining of this type of specialty popularity, and lack of professional motivation due to low salary will reduce the number of teaching staff.
Conclusion. Publication activity in international ranking journals is a fundamental and objective factor in scientists’ ranking which turns into a real important indicator of the university activity. The increasing number of publications in international journals and their citation, improving knowledge of foreign languages, training of scientists abroad, on the one hand, the lack of professional motivation due to the low salary, on the other hand, increase the probability of migration of perspective intellectual potential of Ukrainian population.
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