practice-oriented training, competency, innovative technologies, biochemical diagnostics.Abstract
The aim of the study – to substantiate optimal means for ensuring knowledge acquisition in biochemistry as fundamentals of clinical and laboratory diagnostics.
The main body. The concept of methodological and logistic support for students’ learning at the Department of Medical Biochemistry in terms of up-to-date requirements for integration into European and world educational framework is presented in the article. First of all, it is a practice-oriented training that allows development of medical critical thinking based on constellation of chemistry value. Biochemical approaches are very important for diagnosis, because only they reveal the molecular pathogenesis.
Field of study is also essential; it de nes the professional competence of rising professionals: basic education degree, desire to further self-education, analytical thinking, deduction of available information, ability to predict and deal with challenges at emergency situations and so on. Finally, current student education is impossible without the introduction of innovative technology: computer virtual training programs in biochemistry that simulate various metabolic fates, courses and algorithms of laboratory tests, videos, multimedia lectures, technical equipment for students’ working area in university laboratories.
Students’ skills in performing and interpreting matriculation biochemical screen used for diagnosis of the most widespread diseases are of particular requirements. Clinical and laboratory erudition is especially important in practice of each physician in our day, so their comprehensive expertise in biochemical processes is crucial for exercise of the profession.
Conclusion. Biochemistry teaching for medical students should be practice-oriented, competency based, and of motivational approach to provide appropriate methodological background, widespread introduction of innovative technologies, improved clinical and biochemical tests, developed interdepartmental integration of related subjects.
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