interactive methods, foreign students, interdisciplinary communication, professional competence.Abstract
The aim of the study – to evaluate the efficacy of interactive methods in the learning process among students of Foreign Citizens Training Faculty in specialty "Medicine", studying the discipline "Internal Medicine".
Materials and Methods. The object of the study was teaching techniques and methods used in the classroom with discipline "Internal Medicine". The work was carried out with students of the 4 courses of Foreign Citizens Training Faculty in specialty "Medicine", who study in foreign language. In the teaching experiment we used techniques and interactive methods.
Results and Discussion. One of the way to improve students’ training in modern university – the introduction of interactive learning forms. Most interactive methods can not effectively use among students of Foreign Citizens Training Faculty. The article describes the use of interactive technologies especially for foreign students, which is achieved through a more accessible perception of studied material. The teaching experiment shows the effectiveness of interactive methods for Foreign Citizens Training Faculty students in specialty "Medicine". It should be noted that an essential part of preparing students are actively using information and communication technologies, including open access to educational resources in classroom, modern multimedia video library with lectures and individual tasks.
Conclusion. The basis of interactive teaching methods are exercises and tasks performed by students. The main difference interactive exercises and tasks is that they are designed to consolidate your knowledge and learning new things. Modern education without use of interactive techniques and multimedia technology is virtually impossible. They can provide educational material more accessible to students visual perception of verbal form. The best result using these methods bring comprehensive application in the studied process and in combination with traditional learning forms achieve higher efficiency in the training of future specialists.
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