lifelong professional development, postgraduate education, general practice – family medicine doctors.Abstract
The aim of the study – to analyze the main accents and prospects for lifelong professional doctor’s development at the stage of postgraduate education.
The main body. The legal framework of lifelong professional development as a strategic perspective towards the development of postgraduate education that is constantly updating is identi ed. The approaches to lifelong professional development of the World Federation of Medical Education and the European Union of Medical Specialists are emphasized. Current system of doctors’ training at the Department of Therapy and Family Medicine of postgraduate education of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University is represented. The key areas of development, cooperation, the stages of organizational learning and lifelong professional development problems of Subcarpathia doctors’ development, ways to overcome problems and implementation of global standards are identied.
Conclusion. Lifelong professional development should be the “cornerstone” of postgraduate education as a means of accumulation of professional knowledge and skills for the harmonious development of competitive, focused and capable of continuous self-improvement doctor. This should also be a priority for health care institutions activity and motivation for professional’s self improvement. The department provides traditional forms of organization of physicians’ postgraduate education, actively participates in innovative approaches of teaching and educational activities of future therapists. Application of new organizational learning contributes to motivation for lifelong professional development activities. Interaction of medical educational institutions in the context of lifelong professional development is a solid foundation for healthcare system activity in general.
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