distance education, online course, Open edX platform.Abstract
The aim of the study – to create and develop online course on the Open edX platform.
The main part. There are two common system of online courses. This platform Moodle and Open edX – free online learning management system that allows teachers to create dynamic courses. This platform edX newer, open-source, students and teachers will create new opportunities to create and share, teach and learn through research; adapt to individual learning needs so that they can create, design, invent and build using technology. Isolate the general principles of learning through Open edX: free training schedule, a mixed model of learning, networking and useful contacts.
After approval of the work program board authors begin drafting the script online course. The next step – the creation of the script online course. This completed project, which starts a new stage - technical fill material online course platform Open edX Studio.
To maximize the exchange of information between the tutor and students need opportunities to use Microsoft Office 365, which gives the listener a complete set of tools for working with documents and communication networks, one of which is Skype for business. Thus developed online course is ready for registration of students for the course, the students have a full set of tools for proper teaching and learning course.
Conclusion. Distance learning can be as effective as traditional. Massive open online courses on the Internet actively replacing other forms of distance learning. EdX platform is one of the newest open sources, which gives it a great advantage over Moodle. The process of creating an online course should be divided into the following stages: syllabus development (thematic plan), drafting online sourse script (advanced course plan), the online course script ( lling the draft with material) and technical transfer of script to the Open edX Studio.
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