students, educational process, infectious diseases, epidemiology, control knowledge.Abstract
The aim of the study – to optimize the efficiency of teaching and the quality of students' knowledge of epidemiology and infectious diseases by improving of studying methods.Materials and Methods. The article presents the modern technologies of students’ training by using of situational tasks, copies of patients’ medical records, results of epidemical investigation of outbreaks, role-playing games, interactive and virtual technologies, and testing.
Results and Discussion. The article deals with the problem of education of highly-qualified specialists at the higher educational medical establishments. The results based on the experience of the usage of new methodology in the educational process in particular, the usage of theoretical, practical and interactive methods within such disciplines as “Infectious diseases” and “Epidemiology” to form the appropriate competencies in future medical specialists have been analyzed.
Conclusions. 1 Students will master the material better, especially if there are no thematic patients, with the help of the usage of multimedia technologies, virtual programs and bank of the copies of inpatients` medical records. 2.In order to comprehend new educational material and better practical skills of student's simultaneously, the method of business games within the classes should be widely used. 3.Problem solving situations help to form and perfect students' critical clinical and epidemiological thinking. 4.Student's knowledge should be assessed not only while the examination in the system "Krok" but also their ability to take advantage of gained theoretical knowledge, to perform their practical skills and to provide critical clinical and epidemiological thinking in practical situations should be taken into account.
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