
  • T. M. Popova Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • M. F. Loskutov Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • O. M. Karaban Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • T. Ye. Petrenko Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • S. M. Filipchenko Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • L. I. Loboyko Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



postgraduate medical education, educational technology, seminars excursions, sanitary doctors, biological treatment plants, Kharkiv municipal sewage treatment plants.


The aim of the study – to describe the features of organizing and performing a seminar-tour to a biological treatment plants for sanitary doctors.

Materials and Methods. The advantages of seminar-tour were described in the advanced training of municipal hygiene. Kharkiv municipal sewage treatment plants was the object for visiting as the seminar tour for sanitary doctors.

Results and Discussions. While the seminar-tour is conducted at Kharkiv municipal sewage treatment plants, the sanitary doctors are observing the sewage treatment facilities from the main pumping station (MPS). The excursionists have been descended by elevator to the sewage reception department. It is located on the level of 33 meters underground, where doctors have observed for the operation of the remote control of processes of MPS. The chief technologist has told the appointment and operation of the sewage treatment plants. The teacher has explained how equipment performance is estimated by the data introduced by laboratory. Then teacher has attended to possible occupational hazards and prevention measures. The introduction of effective technologies and modernization of engineering equipment was done at Kharkiv municipal sewage treatment plants. The realization of scientific achievements in work of municipal sewage treatment plants was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2004. All pressing questions have being discussed by sanitary doctors, staff of sewage treatment plants during the excursion.

Conclusions. After inspecting Kharkiv municipal sewage treatment plants, doctors hygienists study the rules of selection and examination of sewage samples, activated sludge and the results of researches at the different stages. Doctors hygienists get knowledge about methods of quality estimation and composition of wastewater with the help of researches results at departmental laboratories. Sanitary doctors get information about the sanitary and environmental requirements which regulatory of the sewage drainage to local water.

Author Biography

T. M. Popova, Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

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How to Cite

Popova, T. M., Loskutov, M. F., Karaban, O. M., Petrenko, T. Y., Filipchenko, S. M., & Loboyko, L. I. (2017). PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES OF TEACHING THE MUNICIPAL HY-GIENE IN THE SYSTEM OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION. Medical Education, (1).



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