
  • O. Z. Ivanchenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • O. Z. Melnikova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University



problematic situation, medical and biological physics.


The aim of the study – presented article was to prove the need of problem-based learning for improvement of modern professionals training.

Materials and Methods. The analysis of typical and working program “Medical and biological physics” and educational-methodical materials was made for identifying issues, which are appropriate to the problem-based learning. The method of observation was applied for determining of students activity level. The degree to achieve specific educational goals was assessed by analyzing of the students' knowledge control sections.

Results and Discussions. The article gives examples of problematic tasks in the study of mechanisms of resting and action potentials, occurrence of the electric field in the body due to the spread of excitation wave in the heart and in the other organs, the features of the substances transport through the plasmatic membranes of the different cells. It is shown that the solution of tasks on a practical trainings by medical and biological physics should take the aim to integrate with physiology and other courses that use knowledge about the physical and physicochemical foundations of human life, the effects on the body of physics environmental factors and principles of their use in medical devices.

Conclusions. The advantages of the use of problem-based learning of medical and biological physics are activation of mental activity of students and increasing of their intrinsic motivation. Terms of the successful use of technology are profound professional knowledge and pedagogical skills of the teacher and a high level of students training.

Author Biographies

O. Z. Ivanchenko, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University

доцент кафедри медичної фізики, біофізики і вищої математики

O. Z. Melnikova, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University

доцент кафедри медичної фізики, біофізики і вищої математики


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How to Cite

Ivanchenko, O. Z., & Melnikova, O. Z. (2017). THE USE OF PROBLEM APPROACH IN TEACHING OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS. Medical Education, (1).



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