
  • V. A. Potapov Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • А. Р. Рetulko Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • M. V. Medvediev Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • T. A. Loskutova Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • Yu. V. Donskaya Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
  • N. V. Symonova Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy



simulation learning, role-playing, Socrative app.


The aim of the study – an objective assessment of the level of practical skills and knowledge of students after working on the functional simulators, the use of role-playing games in the discipline and work with the Socrative app.

Materials and methods. The article presents the modern technologies of students’ training in the Department of Oobstetrics and Gynecology using simulation equipment, role plays, discipline, the use of interactive whiteboards, training and testing using innovative technologies (the program introduced to Socrative works on tablets).

Results and discussion. At the Department of obstetrics and Gynecology we created the office of simulation training for students of IV–VI courses in which they are in practical classes under the guidance of teachers practice their skills in functional simulators. Functional simulators provide immediate and objective information about the correctness of implementation techniques. All this in complex allows to effectively coach and reinforce the skills of individual and collaborative work. One of the innovative technologies in the Department is an interactive Board that allows for practical lessons and to conduct writing tests in obstetrics and gynecology with the use of tablets under the supervision of the teacher. One of the tools of educational technology that is now so essential in the Arsenal of every teacher whether for personal use or as educational AIDS in the pedagogical process is a Socrative app. Also, the Department is the study of the material using a modern interactive method like a role playing game in the discipline.

Conclusions. Analysis showed that the introduction in educational process the latest technologies such as simulatie learning, role playing, interactive boards and testing using Socrative promotes better mastery of practical skills and the more effective formation of students’ motivation to learn. 

Author Biography

V. A. Potapov, Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy

кафедра акушерства,асистент,к.мед.н


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How to Cite

Potapov, V. A., Рetulko А. Р., Medvediev, M. V., Loskutova, T. A., Donskaya, Y. V., & Symonova, N. V. (2017). MODERN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF FUTURE DOCTORS TRAINING QUALITY IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. Medical Education, (1).



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