
  • S. V. Kanivets Kryvyi Rih School of Training and Retraining of Junior Medical Specialists and Pharmacists
  • O. Ye. Denysyk Kryvyi Rih School of Training and Retraining of Junior Medical Specialists and Pharmacists




This article adduces the experience of the teaching staff of Kryvyi Rih school training and retraining of junior medical specialists in an optimization teaching the discipline emergency medical care for junior specialists with medical education. There were defined the main components of the educational process and steps of their improvement, which were committed in the institution in order to optimize of teaching of discipline “Medical emergency”. Combining cycles of training in groups depending on probability appearance of the need to provide emergency medical care in the workplace allowed differentiating approach to the distribution of teaching hours allocated to the subjects. The priority of practical training in the modern professional preparation of specialists determined the increase in the share of practical lessons. It was fulfilled 5-steps model of teaching the discipline actions on forming a highly qualified teaching staff and creation of appropriate material and technical resources enabled increasing efficiency postgraduate training courses.


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How to Cite

Kanivets, S. V., & Denysyk, O. Y. (2016). WAYS OF TEACHING OPTIMIZATION OF DISCIPLINE “MEDICAL EMERGENCY” FOR JUNIOR SPECIALISTS WITH MEDICAL EDUCATION. Medical Education, (3). https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2016.3.6914



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