
  • A. Ya. Velyka Bukovynian State Medical University
  • O. O. Perepelytsia Bukovynian State Medical University




The article covers the factors of the professional self-determination of students-pharmacists in the phase of professional education. The social and subjective factors have the highest priority in their choice of profession. In their choice of profession the respondents faced some problems: the influence of their parents’ position, unsoundness of their profession choice, insufficient information about their future activity, enthusiasm about the appearance of the profession. The most adequate approach to providing assistance to the young person in the period of their professional choice is the psychological and pedagogical support that promotes development of internal conditions of professional self-identification.  The low activity of the self-determination subject is the feature of pharmacists’ professional self-determination.


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How to Cite

Velyka, A. Y., & Perepelytsia, O. O. (2016). FEATURES OF STUDENTS-PHARMACISTS’ PROFESSIONAL CHOICE. Medical Education, (3). https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2016.3.6910



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