
  • A. V. Semenets SHEI "Ternopil Medical State University by I. Ya. Horbachevsky of MPH of Ukraine" http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6069-0467
  • V. Yu. Kovalok SHEI "Ternopil Medical State University by I. Ya. Horbachevsky of MPH of Ukraine"





The open education importance and principles are stated. Benefits of the social networks application in the open education problems are presented.

1 Perspectives of the social networks application in the Ukrainian medical education area

There is presented the current state of the social networks development and society in Ukraine. The perspectives of the application of the social networks to the Ukrainian medical education area are also shown.

2 Methods of the social network usage in TSMU2.1 The TSMU social network information environment organization process

The development process of the social network information environment in the Ternopil State Medical University named I.Ya.Gorbachevsky is offered. The methodology of the social networks application in the TSMU is also presented.

2.2 The usage statistics of the social networks in TSMU

The one-year usage statistics of the application of the social networks in the TSMU are shown. The key informational topics in the TSMU social network information environment are defined. The shortcomings of the social networks usage in the TSMU are also presented.

3 Automated social network information environment organization of the medical university department  3.1 The Medical Informatics Department social networks pages registration with automated reposting capabilities

An approach of the information representation of the department of the medical university in the social networks based on the experience of TSMU Medical Informatics Department is proposed. The solution for the automated reposting process in the social networks is offered. The detailed instruction for the development of the information environment of the department of the medical university in the social networks is also presented.

3.2 The usage statistics of the social networks capabilities by the Medical Informatics Department

The usage statistics of the application of the social networks in the Medical Informatics Department are shown. The key informational topics in the Medical Informatics Department social network information environment are defined. The benefits of the solution of the automated reposting process in the social networks are also offered.


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How to Cite

Semenets, A. V., & Kovalok, V. Y. (2015). ON THE APPROACH OF ORGANIZATION OF THE SOCIAL NETWORK INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT OF THE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT. Medical Education, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/me.v0i1.4184



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