Optimization of the educational process at the corresponolence cycle of internship


  • I. S. Нolovchak




The objective is to maximize the full-time internship information saturation education, improving the quality of its theoretical background correction at all stages, monitoring the effectiveness of practical and professional growth, the skills of thinking and clinical differential diagnosis.

External education goes on clinical training bases. PDFM is an integrated discipline and includes elements of 23 specialties. Therefore, the main task is to form a correspondence course in practical horizons, exploring all the wide range of nosology necessary for differential diagnosis. The main document of regulating the training of interns, is an individual curriculum. It filled in full-time cycle bases and training  of interns conducted independently and controlled by responsible leaders internship teacher in specialized department. In reporting forms that are certified by the signature of the head of the internship and Head Health Region, the number of the treated patients consulted and conducted according to the list manipulation practical skills, the curriculum. In correspondence course teaching interns are required to process the list of mandatory and optional for the study of literature, write a series of essays. This approach provides individualized continuous professional development of theoretical and practical training of young professionals to comply with the demands of modern health care.


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How to Cite

Нolovchak I. S. (2015). Optimization of the educational process at the corresponolence cycle of internship. Medical Education, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/me.v0i1.4164



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