



histology, martial law, digital tools


Higher medical education in Ukraine was no exception, as were other spheres of the countryʼs life, which underwent serious changes as a result of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation. The war makes changes in the daily rhythm of every personʼs life, including the educational process and the acquisition of knowledge. Despite the difficult circumstances, the educational process must continue, and the quality of education must be ensured at a high level.

Purpose – to reveal the peculiarities of the educational process at the Department of Histology and Embryology of the Bogomolets National Medical University during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine using the analysis of conducted anonymous questionnaire among students using Google Forms as a mean of quality control of studentsʼ knowledge.

The discipline “Histology, cytology and embryology” is one of the most valuable basic subjects for medical students, it provides key knowledge about human embryonic development, the structure and functions of body cells and tissues. Understanding these concepts is critical to correctly diagnose diseases and choose effective treatment methods. However, studying this discipline requires a lot of self-discipline and perseverance on the part of the students. They should devote considerable time and effort to learning theoretical material, solving situational problems, tests, improving skills in working with histological preparations. There are isolated cases of assessment of individual parameters at insufficient and low levels, to be determined as non-systematic and those that do not have a significant impact on the overall quality teaching discipline. The use of anonymous questionnaires with the help of Google Forms allows teachers of the Department of Histology and Embryology to effectively analyze the motivation of students to study, their assessment of the educational process and understanding of individual sections of the discipline, and as a result understand clear positive and negative aspects of the educational process of the department.

The analysis of the results of the survey of the first and the second year students who studied the discipline “Histology, cytology and embryology” during two semesters makes it possible to determine the quality of teaching at high and sufficient levels.


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How to Cite

Kondaurova А. Y., & Demydchuk, A. S. (2024). FEATURES OF TEACHING THE DISCIPLINE “HISTOLOGY, CYTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY” IN A MEDICAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION DURING MARTIAL LAW. Medical Education, (2), 39–45. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2024.2.14619

