


mixed learning, distance learning, communicative approach, professional competence


The article deals with the issues of applying mixed learning techniques for the formation of the students’ professional competence at higher medical educational institutions under wartime conditions. It is found out the essence of the concept of “mixed learning”, its peculiarities, methods, advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account to train a future healthcare worker. The need of mastering mixed learning basic techniques for the correct organization of the educational process is emphasized. English communicative approach to medical students’ professional competence is an integral aspect of professionally oriented study at the higher medical educational institution. Military actions in the country require the application of new principles and practices of higher medical education transformation. Therefore, the issue of mixed education for students of medical institutions of higher education under wartime conditions is one of the most crucial problems in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the need to organize and establish a high-quality educational process in the conditions of war using distance model of education. The issues of semantic content for English for Specific Purposes, selection of training material, and development of communicative component in the process of students’ mastering English language skills in the process of distance learning in the conditions of war are under consideration. Both theoretical and methodological aspects of mixed learning for mastering English for Specific Purposes and the Latin language, which are studied through combining the organic application of modern distance learning technologies, are covered. The main distance learning technologies using the MS Teams and Moodle platforms are characterized. The use of information technologies of mixed learning under wartime conditions at professionally targeted classes of English and Latin has been found to develop speech skills and abilities that make possible to express an opinion, develop thinking, as well as to have high motivational characteristics, taking into account the realities of today.


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How to Cite

Vorona І. І., Prokop І. A., & Kitura, H. Y. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF MIXED LEARNING UNDER WARTIME CONDITIONS. Medical Education, (1), 71–77.

