distance learning, foreign medical students, biological and bioorganic chemistry, martial law conditions, Microsoft Teams platformAbstract
The article analyzes the effectiveness and prospects of the using of distance education during the teaching of the subject “Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry” to foreign medical students at the Department of Medical Biochemistry of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ministry of Health of Ukraine under martial law. Formulated the main principles of distance education implementation in the educational process. The advantages and disadvantages of distance learning for foreign students are considered, the main priorities of studying “Biological and bioorganic chemistry” as a fundamental basic subject, which is one of the main ones on the way to training a future doctor in the light of modern requirements of integration into European and world educational structures. An important specificity of the educational process in the distance form is characterized – a mixed form of education, during which a certain part of the students is in the biochemical laboratory, and the other part of the group of students - remotely in their countries. The possibilities opened up by distance learning of the subject for all participants of the educational process, the main principles and theories of this form of education are considered. A necessary requirement of todayʼs training of medical students is the search for new technologies and innovative teaching methods.
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