cardiocerebrovascular syndromes, diagnosis, rehabilitation, higher medical education, students of higher educationAbstract
In the medical and social context, diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most urgent problem. Diseases of the circulatory system are the main causes of mortality in most countries, including Ukraine. Among them, the main places are occupied by coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular diseases, which are based on atherosclerosis of blood vessels. According to the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, which were developed by representatives of eight societies and invited experts at the conference on current problems of preventive cardiology in 2021, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in clinical practice should cover all diseases caused by atherosclerosis, especially CHD and ischemic stroke, taking into account the individual characteristics and preferences of the patient. The way to solve this problem is to train highly qualified, competitive doctors and physical therapists who have a deep understanding of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of these dangerous diseases. The article examines the importance of studying cardiovascular disease syndromes by students of higher education majors 222 “Medicine” and 227 “Therapy and rehabilitation” in the context of semiology and individual nosological forms of pathology of the cardiovascular system. This will help students of higher education master this important section, considering it as a single and integral complex of morpho-functional parameters of this pathology in the human body. Focusing attention on cardiovascular pathology in the curricula of various disciplines of these specialties will contribute not only to the deepening of knowledge, but also to the improvement of the diagnostic-treatment and rehabilitation process in the practice of future doctors and physical therapists.
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