postgraduate studies, anesthesiology, work experience, psychosomatic disordersAbstract
At the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine of the Post Graduate Faculty of the Dnipro State Medical University, post-graduate training of interns and practicing doctors with different experience in the specialty “Anesthesiology” is carried out, among whom we conducted a study of their psychosomatic status. The analysis of the questionnaires of the anonymous survey showed the absence of exceeding the average indicators of intern doctors on all subscales. The average indicators of practicing anesthesiologists with up to 10 years of work experience also did not exceed the “cut-off points”. Certain problems begin with the medical doctors with 11–20 years of work experience according to the subscales “personal sensitivity” and “anxiety”, the results of which exceed the overall average level. Then, with an increase in anesthesiology experience up to 21–30 years, there is a slow progression of indicators on these subscales, and the level of anxiety is more than twice as high as that of intern doctors. Impersonal sensitivity is characterized by a feeling of oneʼs own inadequacy when comparing an individual with other members of the community (patients, colleagues) and causes a certain discomfort, a feeling of suppression of oneʼs own “ego”, which can limit communication properties. Caused by constant danger to social well-being, health and life, chronic stress is accompanied by an anxiety disorder, which includes a number of symptoms and signs (mental tension, tremor, panic mood), accompanied by a constant feeling of danger, cognitive deviation and somatic correlates of anxiety. With increasing medical experience, these deviations persist, although they progress slightly. With more than 30 years of anesthesiology experience, indicators that exceed the “cut-off point” are joined by “somatization” and “depression”. The level of “somatization” in these investigated groups is twice or more higher than the indicator on this scale in intern doctors. With age and increased duration of work in a specialty, there is a certain distress associated with feelings of somatic disorder (imaginary or real). Currently, the urgent problem is the development of special psychotherapeutic programs and their implementation when working with doctors in the specialty “Anesthesiology”.
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