


mediator, conflict resolution, social work, content of mediation, interdisciplinary approach


Abstract. Todayʼs society is characterized by conflict as a permanent feature of a person, determined by both natural inclinations and social experience, and represents a threat to society. The article analyzes the conflict as a result of the struggle for status, attention, leadership, when the causes are intolerance, enmity, mistrust, inadequate expression of emotions, etc. The article also highlightssubstantive foundations of mediation technologies in conflict resolution, clarifiesthe role and functions of the mediator for the formation of skills in conflict resolution, and outlinesthe structure of the mediation procedure to ensure the partiesʼ communicative readiness for objective reasoning and making the right decisions for conflict resolution.

Author Biographies

H. I. Klishch, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Scopus Author ID 57202834170

L. M. Sas, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Scopus Author ID 57201670305


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How to Cite

Hnatyshyn, Y. A., Klishch, H. I., & Sas, L. M. (2024). MEDIATION AS A CONFLICT RESOLUTION TECHNOLOGY. Medical Education, (4), 70–75.

