medical and biological physics, problem-based learning, innovative technologiesAbstract
Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of innovative technologies introduction in teaching medical and biological physics to future specialists in medicine and pharmacy at the department of medical physics of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. Principles of personal-oriented training in the practice of teaching medical physics are explained. It is emphasized that the fundamentalization of professional knowledge is an effective means of improving the professional training of a specialist. The attention on the development of natural and scientific thinking of students in the process of studying medical and biological physicsis focused. The special importance of professional orientation in teaching the discipline is emphasized. It is considered that the use of interactive methods during lectures and practical classes contributes to the activation of students’ educational and cognitive activities. The experience of teaching medical and biological physics is summarized in the new educational and methodological literature published by the teachers of the department. Textbooks and training manuals emphasize the practical aspect of the possible use of acquired knowledge in the future activity of a doctor, the latest achievements of physical science in the field of medical diagnostics and treatment are reflected. The specifics of conducting practical classes with the use of problem-oriented learning technology are revealed. The practice of using elements of problem-based learning during lectures is analyzed.
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