



educational process organization, practical skills, competence of dentists, foreign students


Abstract. Since 2021, the Ukrainian Higher School of Medical Education has been training future specialists in accordance with the approved state educational standard of higher professional education. The new standard for the first time sets requirements for the outcomes of the main educational programmes, which are expressed in the form of competencies and determine not only professional but also general cultural qualities of graduates. The joint work of teachers of the departments of the Faculty of Dentistry and English gives the opportunity to foreign students, overcoming the language barrier, to get systematized theoretical and practical skills in the main sections of dentistry. Mutual attendance of classes by assistants of the departments allows to unite the main didactic principles and methodical techniques of work in a foreign audience. Interdepartmental integration provides the introduction of new methods of formation of professional and general cultural competencies of the doctor and information technology in the educational process. An important place in the development of clinical thinking of students is given to interactive teaching methods, which increase the student's motivation for practical mastery of professional activity. Optimization of training of foreign students requires a special role of language education, development of communicative competence of a doctor who is able to use English as a tool of communication.

Author Biographies

Yu. L. Bandrivsky, І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-4464-2016
Scopus Author ID 57208185040

O. O. Bandrivska, І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-5430-2016
Scopus Author ID 57208184616

N. I. Sydliaruk, І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Scopus Author ID 57205240758


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How to Cite

Bandrivsky, Y. L., Bandrivska, O. O., & Sydliaruk, N. I. (2024). WAYS TO OPTIMISE THE ACQUISITION OF PROFESSIONAL DENTAL SKILLS BY FOREIGN STUDENTS. Medical Education, (4), 14–18. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.4.14463

