physical and colloidal chemistry, concepts, visual imagesAbstract
The article considers the use of visualization as a supplement to the explanatory and illustrative method of teaching the discipline “Physical and Colloidal Chemistry” for higher education students of the educational programme “Pharmacy” of the masterʼs level of higher education, field of knowledge 22 “Healthcare”, specialty 226 “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”.
The article is devoted to the problem of improving the effectiveness of teaching physical and colloidal chemistry, given that the content of the discipline is full of symbols, formulas and abstract concepts. From year to year, we find that students have difficulties in learning certain sections of the subject. This is due to the insufficient level of knowledge assimilation in the study of general chemistry and low student motivation.
The article describes the authorsʼ own experience, which is based on research in the field of teaching methods in chemical disciplines. The methods of presenting the most difficult issues of physical chemistry with the help of visualization are described. Techniques that can be used to improve the learning of abstract concepts in chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics are proposed. The advantages of introducing tools that cause a visual association with an abstract concept (verbal images-comparisons, logical diagrams, interesting graphical dependencies, etc.) are substantiated. They will help to expand the teacherʼs capabilities to present material on particularly difficult topics of the discipline and gain the necessary professional experience. In turn, it will facilitate the process of understanding the content and, as a result, the formation of a scientific type of thinking of higher education students, which is included in the list of general competencies of a future specialist.
We have found that students are able to operate with concepts more easily when they are supported by certain images, so we think that visualization of concepts is a rational and promising process and should be used and developed.
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