


interactive technologies, students, competence approach


Abstract. Education is a process of continuous accumulation and transfer of knowledge. Teachersʼ understanding that students learn material at different speeds makes it necessary to create different models of competency education in order to improve learning and maintain motivation to study. Therefore, the issue of organizing interactive education is extremely relevant. Thanks to the transparent planning of the educational process and the setting of educational goals, it is possible to enable students to approach their studies more consciously and independently, because having clear guidelines and realizing what they can learn, what skills to acquire, what attitudes to develop, they will consistently and systematically master new knowledge and skills The object of research is the educational process in a higher education institution.

The subject of the research is interactive learning technologies in medical education.

The subject of the study is students of higher education in the 4th year of study in the specialty 222 “Medicineˮ.

Empirical and theoretical pedagogical methods were used during the research, namely:

1) direct and indirect pedagogical observation;

2) method of conversation with research subjects;

3) ascertaining and creative pedagogical experiments;

4) comparison method;

5) method of analysis and synthesis.

Research was conducted according to generally accepted methods with the consent of all research participants. The proposed interactive learning technologies make it possible to improve the quality of the educational process in medical institutions of higher education, to increase its student-orientation, and to increase the interest of students of higher education in learning. The introduction of interactive methods into the educational process contributes to the better assimilation of theoretical material by students of higher education and the acquisition of practical skills, forms critical thinking skills, understanding the cause-and-effect relationship and long-term consequences of various decisions, increases responsibility and attention to details in oneʼs work.


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How to Cite

Turlyun, T. S., Sanina, N. A., & Konopkina, L. I. (2024). APPLICATION OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. Medical Education, (4), 58–63.

