


autism spectrum disorders, institution of higher education, institution of preschool education, specialists in the field of preschool education, primary school teachers, autism, professional training, corrective work, inclusive education


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of training specialists to teach children with special educational needs, in particular, with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It is noted that in Ukraine, as well as throughout the world, autism is spreading among children from year to year, relevant statistical data are given. The significance of speech in the personal and cultural development of a child with ASD is emphasized. Disorders of the autistic spectrum are characterized, which cause disturbances in communication, social interaction, and behavior of the child, which complicates the process of its integration into society. The research results of specialists aimed at studying the theoretical and methodological aspect of the professional training of teachers for working with children with ASD are given. The data of the scientific search, which reflect the level of professional training of preschool teachers and primary school teachers for working with children with ASD, are highlighted. Conclusions were made about its insufficient level. The program for improving the professional competence of teachers “Peculiarities of educational work with children with ASD” is proposed, which is aimed at acquiring knowledge about the psychological and pedagogical features of children with ASD, symptoms, characteristic signs of autistic children, technologies that ensure the organization of educational work with children with ASD, etc.; formation of skills to apply corrective and developmental technologies in work with autistic children, plan and adjust educational tasks together with specialists taking into account the results of monitoring, individual characteristics of the children development with ASD under the conditions of inclusive education, form skills to design a corrective and developmental educational environment for the development of communication skills of a child with ASD, to carry out educational work with parents, etc. It is emphasized that the professional training of future specialists in the field of education is of great importance for the general educational and professional development of the personality of a child with ASD. The content modules of the author's program “Peculiarities of educational work with children with ASD” are characterized.


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How to Cite

Bilavych, H. V., Bahriy M. А., Borys, U. Z., & Shulhai, A.-M. A. (2023). TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS FOR TEACHING CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Medical Education, (2), 5–10.

