communicative competence, higher education institution, future specialists, speech etiquette, language norms, course “Ukrainian language for professional purposes”, ecology of languageAbstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to the actual problem of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in a higher education institution. Communicative training is of great importance for general education and professional development of the individual. This is an important component of professional preparation. The authors define communicative awareness of education seekers as a complex integral category that synthesizes the general culture of personality as a future specialist and specific manifestations of communicative competence in professional activity, the level of formation of experience at communication with people around, etc. An important component of communicative culture is speech etiquette. Its handling implies mastering a system of nationally specific stable communication formulas, which are established in society. It is noted that Ukrainian speech etiquette is a clear national code of politeness that has been formed historically from among the cultural layers of Ukraine and is transmitted from from generation to generation as a standard of speech behavior of a Ukrainian and his mentality. Emphasis is placed on Ukrainian etiquette and language rules, which must be mastered by a seeker of higher education. Issue updated ecologization of the language environment in the higher education institution. The examples of typical violations of language norms made by students, in particular regarding the use of language etiquette formulas in oral and written speech, are given. The means of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in a higher education institution in the process of studying the course “Ukrainian language for professional purposes” and other disciplines, are analyzed. It is emphasized that the students must be motivated to master the laws of Ukrainian oral and written speech. It was concluded that the teachers of the higher education institution should be the bearers of the normative nature of Ukrainian speech.
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