


psychoemotional health, mental health, psychological health, medical students, emotions, anxiety, occupational choice


Abstract. The current realities exacerbate the crisis of adaptation of the individual, especially the adolescent, who is acutely experiencing an intense sense of anxiety due to the ever-increasing impact of the emotional factors, such as fear for their own safety due to the current military realities of our country. This can cause a loss of authenticity and a sense of psychological well-being. Therefore, the article analyzes in detail the concepts of “mental health”, “psychological health”, “psycho-emotional health”, identifies common and distinctive characteristics. Attention is focused on the psycho-emotional health of a student of a higher medical institution when choosing a future profession under stressful conditions. The key factors influencing the psychoemotional health of a medical student are determined. It is established that emotions play a motivating and semantic role in the choice of future professional activity, because they generate and mobilize the perception, thinking and actions of a medical student. Taking into account a number of studies, it is stated that psycho-emotional health is a guarantor of active action of the future medical specialist, aimed at realizing the need and possibility of self-realization. In addition, it is stipulated that vitality and stress resistance are of great importance in the context of understanding the psychological health of the individual at the stage of his professional development. Generally speaking, it is about the protective and compensatory parameters of personality resources throughout life, which directly or indirectly affect the components of psychological health. It is noted that each component of psycho-emotional health in this complex structural formation performs a corresponding function. Instead, it is inappropriate to consider the independent and independent role of the components. The psycho-emotional health of a student determines his ability to self-regulate behavior, activate his own vital resources, comprehend his life position, choose a future profession and assert himself in society.

Author Biographies

M. Ya. Kichula, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-5170-2016

N. O. Fedchyshyn, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-5422-2016
Scopus Author ID 57202833382


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How to Cite

Kichula, M. Y., Trushchenkova, L. V., Vyshniovsky, A. V., & Fedchyshyn, N. O. (2023). PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL HEALTH OF MEDICAL STUDENT AT THE STAGE OF CHOOSING THE FUTURE DIRECTION OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY. Medical Education, (4), 57–64.

