Ukrainian language as a foreign language, teaching and methodical materials, language learning, professional communicationAbstract
Abstract. The article presents educational and methodological materials necessary for studying the topic “First medical aid. Lesson 2” at classes of Ukrainian as a foreign language. The discipline “Ukrainian as a foreign language” is taught at higher medical educational establishments for facilitating the process of adaptation in a foreign-speaking country, the subject is studied in accordance with “Standardized requirements for levels of proficiency in Ukrainian as a foreign language”. The teaching staff of a higher school should not only force the student to learn, but also conduct classes in such a way that the student wants to gain knowledge. The selection of such teaching and methodical materials is used for it, which will facilitate the assimilation of complex material, improve its memorization and give results. The article presents a system of exercises aimed at developing students’ abilities and skills: 1) using the correct forms of nouns and pronouns in the dative case; 2) vocabulary memorization; 3) assimilation of the studied material, with the help of the studied words and phrases, students construct sentences; 4) repetition and memorization of symptoms, diseases and conditions of the victim; 5) using the necessary lexical minimum in communicative situations related to the lesson topic; 6) perceiving language and providing basic information while listening to texts. The proposed exercises and tasks will help to learn the Ukrainian language as a foreign language, in particular, to encourage the development of thinking, to focus on the practice of the studied material, to overcome language barriers, as well as to acquire knowledge in the language in a practical and thorough manner. The material described in the article is intended for foreign students who speak the language at an elementary level. Selected tasks will help foreign students not only to expand their vocabulary, but also to achieve social interaction in a foreign language environment. The professional direction of the study of this topic consists in the formation of the Ukrainian-language professional competence of the future specialist, who is able to participate in dialogic communication, to solve communicative tasks in the field of professional activity. The developed system of exercises corresponds to the program of the educational discipline “Ukrainian as a foreign language” for students of specialty 222 “Medicine”.
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