distance learning, objective structured clinical exam, competence, pandemicAbstract
Abstract. The article describes analysis of the results state certification of medical faculty graduates at the department “obstetrics and gynecology No. 1” from 2020–2022 years. The introduction of simulation training into the educational process is a modern method of improving the professional competencies of future doctors. Without the application of theoretical knowledge, practical and communication skills, the graduate will not be able to correctly assess the clinical situation, interpret the results of the examination, make a diagnosis, and develop an algorithm of actions.
Improvement of practical and communication skills, work of students at the “bedside” of a pregnant women or gynecological patient – a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency and quality of the educational process at our department, as well as an element of preparing the future graduate for passing an objective structured clinical exam. The pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection and the introduction of martial law required special conditions for the educational process, as well as the search for new forms of state certification of graduates.
In order to check students assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge, the teachers of the department created tasks that modeled a separate clinical situation, which included complaints and history, data of laboratory and instrumental examination methods, and a list of questions for it. The student’s answer was evaluated according to the algorithm prescribed in the checklist. The final exam was conducted using online platforms. The list of practical skills and questions, algorithms for completing tasks were posted in “Moodle”. The results of the state certification of graduates directly depended on the form of education, a pandemic or martiallaw.
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