civic culture, professional and ethical culture, medical industry, legal norms, medical ethicsAbstract
Abstract. Modern society is in search of spiritual and emotional fulfillment, it needs people who would understand the need to form moral and value relations. Pandemic, war, demoralizing effects of antisocial layers of society, lowering of the general level of culture and moral values lead to devaluation of civic moral and ethical culture. Under these conditions, the problem of humanizing education in general, and humanizing the professional sphere in particular, becomes extremely urgent. It is important to increase attention both to the general moral and legal, and to the professional and ethical formation of the personality of the future specialist. The objective level of professional training of a future specialist is determined by the formation of his professional and personal qualities. It is an obvious fact that not only the sum of knowledge, abilities and skills, but the synthesis of competencies, practical experience and professional and ethical qualities is an indicator of a thoroughly and versatilely trained specialist in the medical field.
The knowledge that students receive in educational institutions has a certain semantic function, which causes the emergence of cognitive and professionally oriented motivation. A gradual transition within professional training from educational to professional activities provides a step-by-step transformation of motivations from educational to professional. The process of professional training is considered effective only under the conditions of interrelationship between professional training and the professionalization of the future specialist. A professional is not just an expert in a certain field of work; professionalization involves not only the inclusion of an individual in professional activity, the presence of requirements for professional education and the level of qualification, the existence of a social need for professional improvement, but also the formation of an appropriate level of civic culture and professional ethics. The specificity of the professional and ethical culture of the future medical worker is determined by the unique nature of the physician’s activity, a wide range of his professional functions and various moral and legal aspects of his activity. That is, the professional and ethical culture of a medical worker is an integrated quality of the personality of a future doctor, which is formed in the process of professional training as certain values are learned in the professional and spiritual experience of activity in the field of health care and the development of medicine as a science.
Also, defining characteristics of civil culture are: patriotism, legal awareness, political education, morality, labor activity.
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