professional and communicative culture, Latin language, Latin sayings, Latin aphorismsAbstract
The article deals with the influence of Latin sayings on the formation of the professional and communicative culture of medical students. In the context of the integration of Ukraine into the world and European educational space, the requirements for the culture of professional speech of the person are increased; this phenomenon leads to actualization of the problem of the professional and communicative culture formation in students of medical educational institutions of higher education. The culture of professional speech of a doctor promotes psychological comfort of communication, appropriate respect and politeness among interlocutors. The art of communication has always been considered an organic component of human professionalism. Today, there is a necessity to overcome the shortcomings of language culture and the need to form a professional and communicative culture of a medical student, who should become a carrier of education, training and intelligence. An employee of the medical field is obliged to meet the requirements of the modern information environment, because the level of possession of professional information and communicative culture ensures the professional competitiveness of a doctor.
The main attention of this article is concentrated on students’ mastering of Latin sayings during the study of the discipline “Latin language and medical terminology”. The additional content load of these sayings is associated with a certain historical period. Latin monuments of verbal art, history, science and culture appeared in ancient Rome and impress with their perfection till the present day. Specialists in the field of medicine gain professional competence through acquired professional knowledge, erudition, culture of behaviour and culture of communication. Folk wisdom, which is concentrated in Latin sayings, conveys the multifaceted nature of human relationships. The key position of the research content is the conclusion that success in solving the tasks of becoming future specialists depends on creativity, professional skills, and high erudition. The practical usage of Latin sayingsin Latin language classes develops speech skills and abilities, provides an opportunity to evaluate and express own opinions, promotes self-development and self-actualization of medical students is clarified in this article.
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