binary lecture-dispute, interdisciplinary binary lecture, modernization, educational processAbstract
The variety of forms and methods of organizing the educational process, the use of innovative educational technologies in higher education, the search for alternative ways of imparting knowledge could not affect the fundamentality of the lecture-seminar form of organization of classes, which remains the leading one in the absolute majority of universities. On the basis of own experience, the main differences between two types of binary lectures - a binary lecture-dispute and an interdisciplinary binary lecture - have been determined. It was found that they differ in terms of the prerequisites that lead to their implementation, the purpose and main tasks, the selection of lecturers based on personal characteristics and professional competence, the need for a preliminary lecture rehearsal without the participation of the students and the distribution of lecture time between lecturers.
A specific example of setting up and reading interdisciplinary binary lecture for students of medical university in the third year of study, which was read by lecturers of the departments of human anatomy and pediatrics, is given.
It is concluded that the interdisciplinary binary lecture is an effective tool for optimization, intensification and modernization of the educational process in higher medical institutions. The use of binary lectures raises the educational process in institutions of higher medical education to a qualitatively higher level: it increases efficiency, improves, organizes, increases productivity, modernizes the presentation of lecture material, arouses the interest of students in the presentation of lecture material, increases their motivation, activates cognitive ability and behavioral reaction
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