learning, psychological development, communication, foreign languages, motivation, students, memoryAbstract
The artic le deals with the problem of psychological foundations of organizing foreign language training for medical students. The influence of students ‘ mental and communicative development, types of leading activities at a given age, and types of motivation that guides their activities at this stage of learning is analyzed. In the process of research, it becomes clear that the solution of special cognitive and practical problems helps not only to more conscious assimilation of knowledge, but also to the development of the ability to independently obtain and use knowledge, think creatively and act.Progressive changes during students’ communicative development are highlighted. It is noted that one of the main tasks in teaching foreign languages to students is to teach them to analyze the material, find key points, generalize, find commonalities and differences in the material being studied. New possible methods of studying language and speech material are proposed. Attention is focused on the fact that one of the reserves for improving the effectiveness of students‘ learning is the purposeful formation of learning motives through new forms of its organization.
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