pandemic COVID-19, online education, elemedicineAbstract
The article analyzes modern aspects of the telecommunication technologies implementation in training at the clinical department. In this work, we assessed the impact of the pandemic on medical education, the result of the carrying out of various forms of online education, and the possibility of remote assessment of medical students. We also tried to analyze how this unique period of online learning could contribute to further spread of new forms of teaching in clinical disciplines. Telemedicine has become a crucial factor in medical education. The involvement of medical students in this field appears to be not only very beneficial for them, but also for the patients. With the help of telemedicine, students can be invited into a virtual room to participate in history taking, observe a virtual medical examination, and participate in decisions, consultations and treatment. Therefore, it can be argued that today we have the opportunity to create a better model of medical education that can provide clinical competence to medical students, and lecturers should quickly implement the latest teaching methods, as well as create innovative systems.
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