sustainable development, environmental education, youth, international project, elements of natureAbstract
Nature creates man, puts him on a higher level of development, teaches man to be a Man. And the state of ecology, natural wealth, preservation of nature from its spontaneous and uncontrolled use depends on Man. Therefore, the purpose of educational events and activities, which were held by the first year students of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University for pupils of Ternopil and Rzeszów during 2021–2022 academic year within the framework of the international project “Four Elements of Nature – Harmony in the Everyday Life of the Ternopil Region and the Subcarpathian Voivodeship”, was to convey to the audience that the environment is an integral part of our lives; that people have departed from the understanding that disobedience to the laws of nature disrupts the symbiosis of these four elements, turning them into destructive elements. The project participants presented a number of interesting and meaningful presentations in Ukrainian and English, in which the 4 elements of nature are demonstrated as four elements that connect everything in Nature and Man with Nature. In addition to presenting theoretical material in presentations, pupils had the opportunity to become participants in educational activities, in particular, with great pleasure they took part in educational games, they solved puzzles and crosswords on the topic “4 Elements of Nature – Harmony in Everyday Life”, received participation in quizzes, blitz orations, language quests. During the communication with the school audience, the medical students skillfully demonstrated experiments on the physical and chemical properties of air, water, soil and fire, and their benefits for humans. Schoolchildren had the opportunity to examine macropreparations of intestinal parasites, as well as personally, using a light microscope, examine some helminths. An interesting part of the educational events was the “Royal Fire Massage” in the gym of the schools and the viewing of films about the dangers of human parasites.
Today, ecological knowledge acquires not only a theoretical significance, but also a practically necessary character. Ecological education and upbringing, which are based on the ecological consciousness of the individual, are able to form a comprehensively developed person with a rational, scientifically based attitude to Nature.
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