students, assessment, success, distance learningAbstract
One of the important components of the educational process is the control of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities. Control and assessment in any type of human activity always have a significant impact on its quality and efficiency, on a person’s attitude to the performance of duties, on the development of a sense of responsibility for the state of affairs. The educational process should be organized so that the student strives to master knowledge independently. The student must assess his level of training, independently choose topics and determine the level of knowledge acquisition.
The problem of monitoring and evaluating the results of the didactic process is an actual methodological, theoretical and methodical problem of didactics, many aspects of which remain insufficiently worked out and substantiated, especially in modern conditions of distance learning. During the quarantine restrictions, and now also in the conditions of martial law, the standard methods of assessing the success of students turned out to be not effective enough, so the issue of creating and introducing new means of assessing the acquired knowledge and skills into the educational process became acute.
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