educational and scientific program, specialty 223 “Nursing”, stakeholders, efficiencyAbstract
In Ukraine, there is a need to train nursing leaders in science, education and practice to educate the next generation of nurses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the training of doctors of philosophy in nursing in the educational and scientific program in the specialty 223 “Nursing”, which is implemented at the Ternopil National Medical University. In order to achieve this goal, letters of request were sent to the e-mails of 30 medical education institutions and PhD students of Nursing to agree to take part in the survey. As a result, 10 institutions and 5 PhD students agreed to take the questionnaire and sent the completed questionnaires. It has been established that the training of doctors of philosophy in nursing in the educational and scientific program in specialty 223 “Nursing”, which is implemented at Ternopil National Medical University, is effective, as evidenced by the high interest of potential stakeholders to attract specialists in nursing and their willingness to recommend them to the heads of other institutions to hire. In analyzing measures to address the shortage of qualified personnel, stakeholders consider it important to improve cooperation between employers and higher education institutions in the employment of graduates and in the preparation of educational and scientific programs, improving the quality of training through the use of modern equipment, techniques and technologies, involvement of practitioners in the work of the universities. Respondents gave medium priority to increasing the requirements for entrants to the program in the specialty 223 “Nursing”, high enough - to improve the skills of teachers. Suggestions for improving the quality of applicants’ training included improving teaching skills and improving practical training, improving the possession of universal research skills, and creating and providing targeted research strategies.
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