selective discipline, dietetics, nutrition, eating behaviorAbstract
The article presents the experience of teaching elective discipline. The program on the discipline “Practical dietology. Typological features of human eating behavior” for students of high educational institutions of Ukraine ІІІ–ІV level of accreditation is composed for specialty 222 “Medicine”, branch of knowledge 22 “Public Health”, for Master’s degree with qualification “Doctor”. The program is compiled in accordance with the curriculum for higher education applicants of the second (master›s) level of relevant qualifications and specialties in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine taking into account the standard of higher education of the second (master›s) standard, and curricula. The program was discussed and approved at the Academic Council meeting of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University Ministry of Health of Ukraine 27.04.2021 Protocol No. 4 and introduced in effect by order No. 186 of 27.04.2021. “Practical dietology. Typological features of human eating behavior” as a course includes issues the principles of human-centered approach in the medical context, develops skills of building trust in the relationship with the patient, forms a vision of subjectivity and boundaries of the person, reveals possible barriers to communication, develops the importance of compassion and empathy, lays an understanding of holistic approach; includes issues of prevention of emotional burnout of the doctor 3. Purpose of the course The purpose of the course “Practical dietology. Typological features of human eating behavior” is to provide training for highly qualified specialists in the field of health care by mastering the basic communicative competencies of a doctor in the nutrition field.
Also the basic problem questions at studying of the specified discipline are covered and the ways of their decision are shown.
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