


learning intensification, nervous and emotional stress, psycho-emotional features of students, bruxism


 In the training of doctors of the new generation today the main emphasis is placed on the acquisition of studentsʼ knowledge, skills, skills, professional competence, and the formation of harmonious, well-developed individuals who have positive, comfortable relationships with society. The complexity of the curriculum, the widespread use of technical means in the modern educational process, the intensification of learning, increasing the amount of information and increasing requirements for the quality of education cause a natural increase in intellectual, educational and mental load. The long-term impact of information overload is negatively reflected not only on a personʼs physical well-being, but also on his psychological functioning. During the student age, young people have great opportunities for intense mental work, this period is the final stage of age-related development of psychophysiological and motor abilities of the body. Adaptation of students to higher education – one of the fundamental interdisciplinary research problems – should be considered as a dynamic, multifaceted and complex process that has become the subject of special attention of teachers, psychologists, physicians. Due to emotional instability, stressful situations that lead to neurological and motor disorders, according to neurogenic theory, bruxism often occurs, which is facilitated by various deviations in the structure and function of the dental and maxillofacial system. The purpose of the study is to assess the nervous and emotional stress of students during the examination session and to identify abnormalities associated with the psycho-emotional state of students in the functions of the dental and maxillofacial system. We conducted a clinical dental examination according to the generally accepted methods of 165 students aged 20 to 25 years at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of  I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University. To determine the type of thermometer, a survey was conducted on the questionnaire of G. Eisenko; to establish the psycho-emotional state - a questionnaire using the G. Eisenko questionnaire and PS scales of the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire; to assess the personal scale of anxiety - questionnaire I. Teylor. Diagnosis of the presence and assessment of the severity of bruxism was performed using BruxChecker®. We have used an algorithm for selecting the optimal method of treatment aimed at eliminating the etiological factor - psycho-emotional instability, taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of the case and dental treatment of disorders of the dental system. Our research proves the effectiveness of treatment of bruxism in the case of diagnostic determination of the prevailing etiological factor and the impact on it, which leads to the normalization of all other factors.

Author Biographies

N. O. Hevkaliuk, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-8125-2016

V. Ya. Krupey, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-9262-2016

O. V. Skochylo, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Scopus Author ID 57211590087


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