



tutoring, history of development, educational process, abilities and skills


The article deals with interpretation of terminological concepts of tutoring as effective methods of educational process individualization. Changes in learning models contribute to expansion of teacher’s role, who serves not only as educator, but also provides pedagogical support of individual curricula for the learners are characterized in this article. Tutoring covers these tasks and the tutor is a co-developer of academic projects and programs, an advisor in education services, combining the roles of a mentor and developer of educational schemes. The main stages of tutoring origin in the context of historical development are clarified. It is emphasized that the implementation of tutoring is an integral aspect of individualization of education in medical schools and is carried out by mastering the ability to motivate educational and pedagogical activities of students. Attention is placed on the need to analyse various methods and approaches to the implementation of tutoring trends in the educational process. The most important criteria of educational process, created by the tutor and student are examined: implementation of the successful tutorial support of training, formation of the personality and lifestyle of the future specialist; multiplicity and variability of educational proposals satisfaction; design and implementation of an individual educational and training program. The basic skills necessary for valuable professional activity are characterized: the formation of fundamental methodological knowledge and the ability to apply them in the process of professional activity; the ability to deal with pedagogical problems and perform tasks in the methodology of teaching subjects in higher educational institutions; mastering of strategies for the implementation and using of information and communication technologies in the educational process; ability to design and project activity; skills to motivate learning activity; ability to manage project activities of students; motivation for continuous self-education and self-improvement.

Author Biographies

I. I. Vorona, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-4691-2016

H. Ya. Kitura, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-5784-2016


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How to Cite

Vorona, I. I., & Kitura, H. Y. (2021). HISTORY OF TUTORING AS EFFECTIVE METHODS OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Medical Education, (2), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2021.2.12266

