distance education, pharmacist, chemical metrology, elective courseAbstract
The article represents the first experience of teaching the elective course “Bases of Chemical Metrology” in distance learning for second-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University (specialty 226 “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, full-time study). The elective course “Bases of Chemical Metrology” forms the bases of all types of measurements in chemistry, statistical processing of chemical analysis results and determining the validity of chemical compounds quantitative determination results. This course is an important component of the comprehensive development of the future specialist in the pharmaceutical field. In the difficult realities for the educational process caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I. Horbachevsky TNMU has created appropriate conditions for full-fledged distance learning. Students have the opportunity for actively interaction with the teacher, while working in the Microsoft Teams program in the form of live communication and using the materials of SDE Moodle, that gain meaningful, relevant and effective knowledge. The article have been represented the structure of the elective course “Bases of Chemical Metrology”, specifics of lectures, practical classes and organization of independent work of students. Summarizing the experience of teaching during quarantine, the authors have been selected the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning.
The basic questions at studying of the specified discipline have been presented and problems solving have been shown. Topics that need to be upgrade for better students understanding were determined. We proposed to use computer programs for mathematical and statistical data processing in the future, in addition to the traditional study of the statistical analysis of the chemical experiment results e.g. Microsoft Excel and Statistica that has a wide range of statistical functions and tools for visual interpretation of the results.
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