medical students, survey, influence of COVID-19, social life, vaccinationAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on the social life of foreign students studying in the third year of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, specialty “Medicine”. An online questioning of 144 students was conducted using Google Forms in March 2021. More than half of the surveyed students (53.5 %) stated that they limited their social activity. One third of students (36.1 %) indicated that now they communicate less with friends, especially among males (47.7 % vs. 22.0 % among females). At the same time, communication with the family has not changed and even increased (of course it is about online communication). Mostly surveyed students (74.8 %) indicated that they adhere to all quarantine measures, both mandatory and recommended. The rest of students adhere only mandatory measures. Mostly students (64.6 %) consider the quarantine measures implemented at the time of the survey are adequate to the epidemiological situation. Regarding vaccination, the responses differed significantly depending on gender (χ2=13.085, df=3, p=0.000). Among students’ part of female who would like to take vaccination as soon as possible is in two times higher than part of male. Whereas male students more often indicated that they would take vaccination, but later. 1.7 % of surveyed male and 2.4 % of surveyed female do not want to be vaccinated. The issue of foreign students’ vaccination is relevant and requires a comprehensive effort of representatives of both government agencies and educational institutions to implement it.
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