


innovative technologies, training tools, competencies, information and communication technologies


The article considers the leading strategies of the organization of students’ education in the conditions of distance teaching at the practical departments of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University.

It is shown that the growth of the creative component of education and increase of the activity of all participants in the educational process, both students and teachers, contributes to the modification of interactive learning associated with the use of computer systems, multimedia technologies; educational and methodical products of the new generation.

The authors consider innovative educational technology and modern teaching methods as a general didactic process, which consists in the use of a set of original methods and techniques of joint activities of the subjects of the educational process aimed at achieving the goal of learning, personal development and creative acquisition of knowledge and competencies according to professionals training tasks in modern times.

It is analyzed and proved that the best result in learning can be achieved when the roles of teacher and student are balanced: both work to learn, to share their knowledge, achievements of their life experience.

Introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process, in classes of practical therapy, promotes a fuller mastery of the system of knowledge and skills, develops creative orientation of students’ cognitive activity, provides objective self-control and self-examination of knowledge, helps to form relevant professional competencies and personal qualities and allows teachers to provide a differentiated approach in learning.

The paper analyzes the available interactive methods and forms of learning, summarizes the best ways, forms and methods of evaluating the work of students on online platforms currently available.

The authors affirm that pedagogical approaches to teaching constantly require the search for new tools that can bring an element of novelty to the educational process, increase the interest of higher education pupils, especially during quarantine.


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How to Cite

Danylevych, Y. O., Naumova, L. V., & Milevska-Vovchuk, L. S. (2021). THE PART OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Medical Education, (1), 83–88.

