


education, teaching methods, video film, clinical immunology and allergology


The high pace of development of medical science puts before the medical student the task of finding relevant and reliable information to prepare for classes. Modern education in higher educational institutions focuses on technologies that ensure the development of individuality, without which a breakthrough in the training of a competitive specialist is almost impossible. Teachers are constantly looking for ways to optimize student activities and want to see students as active managers of the acquired knowledge.

In recent years, along with traditional forms of education, the organization of student work is also created on the basis of modern information and educational technologies.In order to increase students’ knowledge and improve the process of preparation for classes, it is necessary to use the most informative and easy to understand learning materials, including video films. 86 Students of the 5th course who studied the cycle “Clinical Immunology and Allergology” at the Department of Occupational Diseases and Clinical Immunology, participated in the questionnaire on the topic “Atopic Disease”, where they depicted the immune response scheme for bronchial asthma according to the immunological stages, noting the participant cells and main cytokines, as well as pathophysiological manifestations. Then the students were shown a video “Immunopathogenesis of bronchial asthma”, created at the department, and were asked to redraw a scheme. For completeness of the description, students received scores, the number of points was determined using the specific word-markers. According to the obtained data, a significant increase in the knowledge of students from all immunological phases of bronchial asthma was determined after watching the film. The use of educational materials, in particular visual ones, in addition to the main source of study - textbooks, can contribute to raising the level of students’ knowledge of the subject being studied.


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How to Cite

Gashynova, E. Y., Rodionova, V. V., & Khmel, O. S. (2021). THE ROLE OF VIDEO MATHERIALS IN STUDYING THE IMMUNOPATHOGENESIS OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Medical Education, (2), 64–68.

