



medical education, distance learning, pediatric disciplines


The relevance of the chosen direction is due to the gowing role of distance learning technologies in the teaching of medical disciplines.

The aim of the work is to assess the prospects for the use of distance learning technologies in the teaching of pediatric disciplines, including in conditions of quarantine restrictions.

The study was conducted by bibliometric and content analysis of information sources obtained from electronic databases OVID, PubMed, Embase, as well as official sources of national ministries of education of developed countries and CIS countries. Search depth – 3 years. The obtained data are organized and analyzed with the selection of the main trends in the application and development of distance learning in the teaching of pediatric disciplines. In addition, a survey of 50 students of Odesa National Medical University and 20 teachers from departments that teach pediatric disciplines. Statistical processing was performed by analysis of variance using MS Excel software (Microsoft Inc., USA).

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 406 of March 16, 2020 in medical universities of the country students switched to distance learning. For many teachers and students, this form of education has proved difficult. Along with purely technical problems (instability of the Internet connection, non compliance of equipment with software requirements, low level of computer literacy of elderly teachers) respondents noted the inconvenience of the interface, the difficulty of maintaining proper attention when working online, lack of practical skills. Among the main problems, teachers mentioned the difficulty of identifying users participating in the conference.

In the conditions of quarantine restrictions application of remote technologies allows to carry out educational process at rather high level. Zoom and Microsoft Teams platforms are the most suitable for distance learning needs. Only half of the respondents were satisfied with the quality of distance learning during quarantine restrictions. This indicates a lack of preparation of both teachers and students for this format of the educational process.


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How to Cite

Platonova, O. M., Stoeva, T. V., & Titkova, O. V. (2021). DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE TEACHING OF PEDIATRIC DISCIPLINES: THE CHALLENGE OF TIME . Medical Education, (4), 52–56. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2020.4.11660

