
  • P. M. Skrypnykov Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava
  • V. I. Shynkevych Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava
  • K. O. Udaltsova-Hrodzynska Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava
  • O. A. Pysarenko Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava



dental caries, caries indices, caries activity, postgraduate education


During the postgraduate education it is crucial to emphasize the integration of knowledge about the etiology of dental caries lesions and caries risk factors with clinical treatment decision and patient management.

The aim of the article was to analyze the curriculum on the topic of caries and compare it with the International Caries Classification and Management System – ICCMSTM in order to improve the theoretical foundations of education.

When studying at the universities, the topic of caries is divided into numerous topics, among which topics of the caries prevention are separated. The caries risk factors, the smallest carious defects identification, caries activity determination are dropped out from caries diagnostic process, and remains only searching of the actual tooth defects and further filling. And the caries likelihood is based on the test of enamel resistance and/or index CFR (caries, filling, removal).

Recently, the concept of “management” has entered medicine. The term means the complexity of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures required for the diagnosis of a particular patient. The mission of the International Caries Classification and Management System is to translate the current international understanding of the pathogenesis, prevention and control of dental caries in a holistic way through a comprehensive assessment and personalized caries care plan. This is in order to: prevent new lesions from appearing, prevent existing lesions from advancing further, preserve tooth structure with non-operative care at more initial stages and conservative operative care at more extensive caries stages. This should be done while managing risk factors through all of the elements in the caries management cycle and recalling patients at appropriate intervals, with periodic monitoring and reviewing.

New data must be implemented in the undergraduate and postgraduate stages of medical education so dentists and teachers can speak a common language.


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How to Cite

Skrypnykov, P. M., Shynkevych, V. I., Udaltsova-Hrodzynska, K. O., & Pysarenko, O. A. (2020). PROSPECTS FOR IMPROVING THE CURRICULUM FOR DENTIST INTERNS IN THE CARIES SECTION. Medical Education, (3), 114–117.

