
  • M. V. Hrebenyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. I. Kryskiv I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • T. B. Lazarchuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. I. Kotsyuba I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



internship in the “Internal diseases” specialty, competence, training, standardization of medical practice


The article is dedicated to the rising evaluating educational effectiveness problem of the interns of “Internal diseases” specialty. Qualitative training of the future doctor is the priority direction of medical education development. The priority task of postgraduate departments is to improve the quality of doctors’ education. Internship strengthens professional doctors’ suitability and determines his level. Special accent we should pay on the acquired knowledge, skills and practices, and also on the psychological qualities of the young specialist, which should provide effective performance of professional tasks. For charting plan of quality educational changes we carried out anonymous poll of the interns “Internal diseases” specialty at the end of theirs first year study. This questionnaire was developed by the teachers of the department. It included 11 questions. We were interested: 1) self-assessment of interns of the “Internal diseases” specialty on their practical skills at the beginning and end of the first year of study; 2) their vision of ways to improve (or to acquire) the necessary practical skills. The effectiveness of practical training in terms of development and improvement of communicative competence was analyzed. The issue of standardization of medical practice is considered, which allows to systematize and organize the knowledge of interns acquired during the undergraduate study. In order to optimize the primary specialization in the internship, the learning process should be joint internship activities with the teacher at all stages of study. This is facilitated by the small number of interns in the group and the active improvement of their practical skills in interviewing, reviewing and treating patients. The most effective and modern forms of education are social and psychological training and implementation of standards of medical practice in the professional activity of young specialists. Continuous use of standards of care determines the theoretical foundations of good clinical practice of the European sample. We consider that it’s a good practice to study the self-assessment of interns of their competence in order to prepare in the internship of specialists of high professional level.


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How to Cite

Hrebenyk, M. V., Kryskiv, O. I., Lazarchuk, T. B., & Kotsyuba, O. I. (2020). RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF “INTERNAL DISEASE” SPECIALTY INTERNS’ STUDY AND WAYS OF PRACTICAL TRAINING OPTIMIZATION. Medical Education, (3), 105–109.

