quality of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education, competence approach, practical skills, simulation training, autonomy of higher education institutionsAbstract
Socially significant steps of Ukraine on European integration are legislative reform measures about higher education in the context of the Bologna process, in particular the adoption of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the new edition of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. The NQF envisages for “the introduction of European standards and principles of education quality assurance, with considering into account the labor market requirements for the competencies of specialists”. According to formal features, NQF is a matrix with static supporting elements – descriptors that determine the direction of movement to a specific goal. The regulatory framework for the modernization of educational activities and standards of higher education has become the new edition of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”.
The authors of article describe the questions, which should be adopted at the state level, taking into account foreign experience; in general, they should contribute to improving the quality of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education in order to prepare a highly qualified competitive specialist based on a competency-based approach through the procedure of open competitive enrolling to the university.
What has already been done? 1. Now the standards of new generation are developed on the basis of the competency-based approach for all educational levels of specialties in Branch of knowledge 22 Health Care in the system of higher medical (pharmaceutical) education. 2. A passing score of the second and third subjects of external independent evaluation (EIE) – 150 points for admission to specialties 221 Dentistry, 222 Medicine and 228 Pediatrics Branch of knowledge 22 Health Care was installed by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Ukraine in order to form a high-quality contingent of enrollees.
What else needs to be done? 1. One of the ways of a better selection of enrollees is proposed to introduce in the system of EIE along with subject testing an approved test of general educational competence (learning ability). 2. There is a need for the introduction of personal grants. Enrollees will receive personal grants (the higher the score, the larger the grant size), which is based on the results of the EIE. The money will be directly tied to a real student, who will have the right to enter to state or private institution of higher education (IHE), it will force top management of IHE to improve the quality and competitiveness of education in their IHE, to fight for enrollees with the highest competitive score.
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