toxic substances, forensic and toxicological chemistry, chemical and toxicological analysisAbstract
The main methodological approaches to teaching the discipline of Toxicological and Forensic Chemistry for the domestic students of the pharmaceutical faculty, specialty “Pharmacy, Іndustrial Pharmacy” are set forth. The basic tasks of the higher school are the training of specialists with deep knowledge of fundamental and applied disciplines and are able to apply this knowledge creatively to solve various tasks. The developed discipline includes course of lectures, methodical instructions for practical works and preparation for lectures and classes, which are available in the Moodle system. The lecture course is presented in the form of multimedia presentations of ten topics and covers the classification of toxic substances, methods of isolation of poisons from biological material, their identification and quantification. The discipline includes twelve practical works, on which the chemical-toxicological analysis and forensic toxicological research of biological origin objects for the presence and content of poisonous substances of different nature and character.
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