


didactics, regularity, methodology, concept, methods of teaching


The article deals with current issues of functional literacy of the first year students at the medical universities. It has been emphasized the importance of adhering to the philosophical foundations of higher educational didactics. The main issues for the consideration in the article are the development of basic competences i.e. communication; digital media skills; training for self-improvement; social and civic skills; initiative and practicality; awareness and expression in the cultural sphere. The analysis of the content of normative documents, works of national and foreign scientists gave us possibility to make a conclusion about the difficulties in determining the essence of the main concepts. The study of the problem of functional literacy among students of medical faculties becomes especially relevant, because the anamnesis, communication of the doctor with the patient, and the medical council require special, purposeful preparation.


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How to Cite

Vykhrushch А. V. (2020). METHODOLOGY AND METHODS: CURRENT ISSUES OF THEORY AND PRACTICE. Medical Education, (2), 153–160.



Materials of the conference